One of the ways a man or woman could “swear to his or her own hurt” (Psalms 15:1-4) is by saying “Yes, I do” to the “wrong” spouse. Yes, it is possible to get married to the very wrong person! Yes, there are many who are already married not to the spouse “meet” (right, fitting) …

I got talking with an elderly man few days ago. He told me the following story: There was a 65-yrs old man who got himself a young second wife because his wife “left him no option”! He was an academic, rich and lived in a top-class reserved area. He had his children scattered in foreign …

In Ephesians 5:28-29, the Bible says, “So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 29. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church.” (KJV). The spiritual and emotional chemistry of marriage projects a …

Enhance your personal life, marriage and family-life through edifying Books written by Pst Dayo St. John, the Helmsman and Team -leader of Help for the Family Ministry, Lagos, Nigeria. Shop on-net @ (eBooks & Paperback) (eBooks & Paperback) Current Sales Outlets in Nigeria (Paperback only) 1. CRM BOOKSHOPS, Redemption Camp, Klm 46, Lagos-Ibadan …

I have long discovered that IGNORANCE is at the root of why most married people make a mess of the otherwise honourable estate that marriage truly is. Yes, even many of God’s people in marriage aren’t excusable from this messy lot! [Hosea 4:6]. Sadly, most married ones do not really have a correct knowledge of …

In Prov. 31:10, the Bible declares, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” [KJV] From this verse to the end of the chapter 31 of the Book of Proverbs, the Bible gives us a dossier on the qualities and worth of a virtuous woman and wife. What a woman …

One of the major problems and, of course, root of many evils in not a few homes is that of self-centeredness or selfishness. In most cases, one spouse stands accused of this ill; yet, in fewer cases, we could come about situations whereby the two are severally and jointly guilty of this fault! The plan …

[For married women] The bible projects many and diverse characters from whom we could learn one good or the other, or avoid following bad examples. I find it compelling to share with you herein a few profitable lessons from a certain married woman in a town called Shunem with whom Elisha the man of God …

“Take away the dross from the silver, And there comes out a vessel for the smith” [Prov. 25:4, NASV] Every piece of raw metal has the potential to become precious and valuable materials men will desire to have. However, before this potential in the metal could be transformed into such desirable and useful product, that …

Who doesn’t love beautiful things? I do. We all do. We all appreciate beauty whenever we see it. Beauty is definitely attractive. However, abuse of beauty can be very dangerous and destructive indeed! I have come about quite a few in marriage relationships whose major point of regret is that they had ever made a …